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July 18, 2012


Miranda Boels

Ohhh, how cute are these!!! I'm normally not into colouring stamps, but these are so adorable I definitely will need to have them.


Pearl is so sweet - a must have!


Oooh, so sweet indeed!

Troy Louise

Oh these are beyond sweet! They all are just delightful. Love the samples with them, such lovely coloring.

Shawn Wenrich

So excited to see this new addition, can't imagine who wouldn't want them all!


it is just so lovely! Great job, well done!

Jennifer Scull

she is too precious! love all of these stamps!


I love all of them.

Elaine Lisle

They are very sweet. Pearl reminds me of my Mother's Hummel collection as I was growing up.

Beth W

Pearl is definitely a sweetie-and a winner!

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